'Document folder' and 'Destination folder', + other stuff

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'Document folder' and 'Destination folder', + other stuff

Post by beginattackrun »

Lately I've been working a lot with templates, but this is something I haven't been able to figure out. Here are the visual aides.
You get here by using the 'Template Changer' (info and download link is here) extension and clicking File - Templates - Assign template (folder)...

By the way, in the second image, the text entered into the 'Document folder' category and text entered into the 'Destination folder' is the same.

Now for my questions. What is the difference between a 'Document folder' and a 'Destination folder'? And what does 'Original documents will be replaced' mean? I ask because it gives me a notice (the one in the 2nd image) that makes me think entering the same text in both categories is incorrect, but when I did it before I didn't run into any problems that I could detect.

Also, does this have anything to do with my file styles not automatically updating? Yes, when I change the original template's styles in the 'Styles and Formatting' dialogue box, then update a document using that template, the styles also correspondingly change, but the text already entered will keep its old style versions until I manually update the styles by selecting text and reapplying each style. Is this how the system is supposed to work, is it related to my problem described earlier in this post, or is this a problem from something else entirely?

Thanks for your time. Any information/advice will be a huge help to me.
Last edited by Hagar Delest on Mon Sep 20, 2010 8:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 'Document folder' and 'Destination folder', + other stuf

Post by therabi »

I have not use the Template Change, though I do have it installed to test. It seem self-evident that if your changing the template used with a document the "new" document file will have the same name as the "old" document file. No operating system that I am aware of allows two files with the same name in the same directory. If placed in the same folder/directory the "new" file will overwrite the "old" file. All Template Change is doing is giving you the chance to have copies of the "old" file and the "new" file in case you wish to keep it or are not sure that the changes are what you really want. Personally I would use a different directory for the "new" files.

Just my 2cents.
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Re: 'Document folder' and 'Destination folder', + other stuf

Post by beginattackrun »


Sometimes the simplest things escape me. Like you said, it's 'self-evident'. Thanks for enlightening me.
Also, does this have anything to do with my file styles not automatically updating? Yes, when I change the original template's styles in the 'Styles and Formatting' dialogue box, then update a document using that template, the styles also correspondingly change, but the text already entered will keep its old style versions until I manually update the styles by selecting text and reapplying each style. Is this how the system is supposed to work, is it related to my problem described earlier in this post, or is this a problem from something else entirely?
Now I know that this predicament isn't caused by anything related to Template Changer, but I'd still like to get an answer for it. Does anybody have info on this?
OpenOffice 3.2
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