How to format string in cell in Calc

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How to format string in cell in Calc

Post by adikowo »

I was looking in google and on this forum and I couldn't find how to format string in cell in Calc.
What I need is to change all text in brackets to italic:
For example in cell B1 I have a text:
(name) Abrakadabra [abc]
and I want to have
(name) Abrakadabra [abc]
I thing it is no possible to be done using normal Replace method from Calc. I couldn't also find how to do it using Macros.
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Re: How to format string in cell in Calc

Post by hanya »

Use text cursor to format the part of a cell.

This example does not support multiply braced string.

Code: Select all

Sub search_brackets
  oDoc = ThisComponent
  oSheet = oDoc.getCurrentController().getActiveSheet()
  oDesk = oSheet.createSearchDescriptor()
  With oDesk
    .SearchString = "\(.+?\)|\{.+?\}|\[.+?\]"
    .SearchRegularExpression = True
  End With
  ' regexp search inside cell text
  oTextSearch = CreateUnoService("")
  oOptions = CreateUnoStruct("")
  With oOptions
    .algorithmType =
    .searchString = "(\(([^\)]+?)\)|\{([^\}]+?)\}|\[([^\]]+?)\])"
  End With
  ' search cells
  oFound = oSheet.findFirst(oDesk)
  While NOT IsNull(oFound)
    BrasedtoItalic(oFound, oTextSearch)
    oFound = oSheet.findNext(oFound, oDesk)
End Sub

Sub BrasedtoItalic(oCell As Object, oTextSearch As Object)
  nItalic =
  If NOT IsNull(oCell) Then
    sStr = oCell.getString()
    oCursor = oCell.createTextCursor()
    oFound = oTextSearch.searchForward(sStr, 0, Len(sStr))
    While oFound.subRegExpressions > 0
      If oFound.subRegExpressions > 2 Then
        nStart = oFound.startOffset()
        nEnd = oFound.endOffset()
        'msgbox Mid(sStr, nStart(2) +1, nEnd(2) - nStart(2))
        With oCursor
          .goRight(nStart(2), False)
          .goRight(nEnd(2) - nStart(2), True)
          .CharPosture = nItalic
        End With
        oFound = oTextSearch.searchForward(sStr, nEnd(2) +1, Len(sStr))
        Exit Sub
      End If
  End If
End Sub
Please, edit this thread's initial post and add "[Solved]" to the subject line if your problem has been solved.
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