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The command make4ht -uxf odt File.tex runs incorrectly

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2022 10:32 pm
by fredfred1234567890
When I issue the command make4ht -uxf odt File.tex, the \vec directive of tex is mapped into an arrow followed by the variable name rather than putting the arrow over-top of the variable name. This is a huge mistake. Vectors are represented in LibreOffice writer using a sort of hypertext markup language - not as a separate font or anything. Is there something I need to tell the process to teach it how to do the conversion correctly, or is it that I need some macro post-process which I don't really want.

The system of equation-representing in LO Writer does not make it easy to edit the .odt file. I want the vectors to be displayed properly.

This is all with the pdf file coming out fine, no problems with it. Can we fix this bug in the document converter? Is someone able to do that? I need to be able to convert my .tex scientific files into .odt format, a seemingly trivial task.

By the way, I can handedit the "rightarrow" in the process into a vec and get the vector to display but the arrow is too tiny. So if writing a macro, how could it get a nicer-looking arrow.

I can do that:
{ rightarrow i} vec i (brackets aren't needed)

When I put overrightarrow in, it maps that to an arrow also. So this seems like a bug. It needs to be fixed, so I'm now classifying it as a bug. The system of conversion should NOT look at the \vec directive or the \overrightarrow directive and do anything different than draw an overarrow or a vector.

Perhaps this will take some reading of the source code for Libre Office Writer, I don't know maybe the OLE app is a bit confusing for the conversion process until it's taught how to do it better.

Re: The command make4ht -uxf odt File.tex runs incorrectly

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2022 11:44 pm
by fredfred1234567890
I just found a method that improves the entire process. It's to use htlatex and generate an html file. The html file is perfect - the vectors are all correct and the equations are all centered.
Yeah, the html look terrific but I don't have any idea how to convert the html into a .doc, docx, or .odt that will work. Pandoc will not even come close to accomplishing it.
And I have a problem with tex4ht, I have the wrong version even though my fatdog seems more up to date than my Linux Mint. So it will be a bear to get from the html to the doc/docx/odt.

Re: The command make4ht -uxf odt File.tex runs incorrectly

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2022 12:20 am
by fredfred1234567890
And is there a way to control the width of an html page so the text lines are not too long. My original document has like 6 or 7 lines to a paragraph but in the html, each line goes very far across the screen and it doesn't look good.