[Calc] Generate all combinations with StarBasic function

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[Calc] Generate all combinations with StarBasic function

Post by MrProgrammer »

This StarBasic function for Calc will generate all combinations of 0 to N-1, taken T at a time.

Function GENCOMB(N As Double,T As Double) As Variant
Rem Return array of combinations of the set 0 to N-1, taken T at a time
Rem The array will contain =COMBIN(N;T) rows and T columns
Rem When called from Calc, end the =GENCOMB(N;T) formula with 
Rem      ⌘⇧Enter on a Mac, Ctrl+Shift+Enter on other platforms 
Rem For example, =GENCOMB(4;2) is 1;0|2;0|2;1|3;0|3;1|3;2 (6 rows, 2 columns)
Rem Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, Section, Algorithm T
If N <= 0 Then GENCOMB = "Set size is not positive"        : Exit Function
If T <= 0 Then GENCOMB = "Subset size is not positive"     : Exit Function
If T > N  Then GENCOMB = "Subset size large than set size" : Exit Function
Dim I As Long, J As Integer, K As Integer, X As Integer, R As Long
Dim G() As Integer, C() As Integer
N = Int(N) : T = Int(T) : R = N
For I = 2 To T : R = R*(N-I+1)/I : Next I
ReDim G(1 To R,1 To T) As Integer, C(1 To T+2) As Integer
For J = 1 To T : C(J) = J-1 : Next J
C(T+1) = N : C(T+2) = 0 : J = T
For I = 1 To R
   For K = 1 To T : G(I,K) = C(T+1-K) : Next K
   Select Case True
      Case J>0         : C(J) = J : J = J-1
      Case C(1)+1<C(2) : C(1) = C(1)+1
      Case Else        : J = 2
            C(J-1) = J-2 : X = C(J)+1 : J = J+1
         Loop While X=C(J)
         C(J-1) = X : J = J-2
   End Select
Next I
End Function

For example, the array formula =GENCOMB(4;2) will generate the six rows:
   1 0
   2 0
   2 1
   3 0
   3 1
   3 2

If you prefer numbering to begin with 1 instead of 0, use array formula =1+GENCOMB(4;2) or =4-GENCOMB(4;2).

Changing statement G(I,K) = C(T+1-K) to G(R+1-I,K) = N-C(T+1-K) will generate this set of combinations:
   1 2
   1 3
   1 4
   2 3
   2 4
   3 4

The number of rows returned by =GENCOMB(N;T) is the value of the standard Calc function =COMBIN(N;T). Even small parameters can produce many rows. For example, =COMBIN(20;10) is about 185,000. But the algorithm GENCOMB uses is efficient, and my system can execute =GENCOMB(20;10) in less than 30 seconds.

[Tutorial] How to install a code snippet
Mr. Programmer
AOO 4.1.7 Build 9800, MacOS 13.6.3, iMac Intel.   The locale for any menus or Calc formulas in my posts is English (USA).