Base - Tables @ Forms

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Base - Tables @ Forms

Post by Greggie »

I have students who do lessons with me, I am setting up database to record the following:-

1)Student details
3)student lessons (topics I cover with them)

Can you help me with 3)

Student lessons have 20 topics I teach them.Teaching is individually to each student and topics vary depending on ability (so no set pattern for doing topics)
Some students may do 4 topics in one lesson while another may only do 1.
Of the 20 topics to be covered each topic is a couple of paragraphs long.
What is the best way I could link students to a topic and date without
entering all the data every time?

(I don't know, but is it possible on a form to have topics numbered 1-20 and then just select a number? but how would you link it to the data ?)
Or what is the best and easiest way to set this up.
Sorry I'am a Newbie at all this.


windows 7
open office 3.3
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Re: Base - Tables @ Forms

Post by DACM »

Welcome Greggie,

Assuming your needs are as simple as you've described, it's probably best to create a "many-to-many" relationship between Students and Topics, where Lessons are derived through the associated "junction table."
  • STUDENTS table
    ID (INTEGER AUTOVALUE) (primary key)

    TOPICS table
    ID (INTEGER AUTOVALUE) (primary key)
    TITLE (VARCHAR(100))

    LESSONS "junction table"
    ID (INTEGER AUTOVALUE) (primary key; optional 'ID' field in the classic sense, but Forms run smoother with a single constraint)
    STUDENT_ID (INTEGER) (foreign key by List Box entry using a Form)
    TOPIC_ID (INTEGER) (foreign key by List Box entry using a Form)
You can pull it all together in a Form based on the LESSONS table, using a couple of List Boxes and a Date field with drop-down calendar. You can optionally add a SubForm if you'd like to see the accumulated Lessons and/or Topics by Date for the selected Student in a grid on the Form. To promote your own learning and understanding of the design process, I would suggest the following links:

specifically: then perhaps more comprehensively:
AOO 4.1.x; LO 4.2.x; Windows 7/8 64-bit
Warning: Avoid embedded databases --> Solution: Adopt a portable 'split database' folder
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